Walking into the Atlantic Yards campus, I saw thousands of people working together. Walls were being made, foundation was being laid; rooms curated with pure intention. At that moment I realized that everyone played apart in something that was so much larger than us.
The new campus will not only be here for everyone to be inspired by now but it will be here after many of us; empowering our future beyond our wildest dreams.
About 8 months prior to my installation, I was emailed about this project. And, immediately I knew my life was about to take a shift. Not only because of this opportunity to share my art on a larger platform, but for the space to uplift others with the power of creation.
When creating "Manifest Your Greatness" elements derived from the room inspiration that resonated with me. The pieces reminded me of the spirit of Atlanta and acted as the foundation to the narrative behind this image. Telling a story of the power of creation and the lasting impression that each and everyone of us play upon this Earth.
Being intentional not only in my practice but my mission was the focus. As an artist, I love to create but a long time ago I realized that my creations were not only for me. If you have me tell it; they are really never for me. Everytime I make a piece of art; I'm always thinking about how I can I impact others the most. How can I connect? How can I evoke emotion that propels one's thoughts to think of themselves higher and be inspired to move forward on their journey.
And, the process for "Manifest Your Greatness was no different. My drive, work and effort was actually pushed even harder. During the curation and installation I shifted my life. I began to lessen my work load as a tattooer; ultimately stopped tattooing as a whole. I was clearing distractions and creating space to show up as best as possible for this piece and to pursue my mission afterwards. I was setting my life up fully to show up better for myself in my craft so I could be a brighter light for others. In the words of the City Girls, "PERIODT."
11 years ago, I was driving from Rochester, New York with a whole lot of dreams. I had many visions and ideas but as I passed the Atlantic Station exit I wasn't sure how they were going to play out. I just knew that they were going to happen. Awed by the skyline and ready to embark on my journey; I didn't imagine I was going to have a piece of artwork that would speak to millions in a building that was not yet built. But, I knew I wanted to leave an impression on the world full of love and hardwork.
Whether you see it now or not; you are so needed in this world. Every twist and turn on your life path is necessary. Your story is powerful. Your impression is deep and every step you take will impact not only your life but the world around you. And, I pray this piece and my experience allows you to recognize the greatness in every move you make.
